Phumlani Ngubane of Ushanele Trading Enterprise is the perfect “poster boy” for the new generation of entrepreneurs making waves; tough and motivated, Ngubane takes full responsibility for choices and circumstances in his life. After taking over the specialised industrial cleaning at Hulamin in 2011, Ngubane is not only a role model to his peers, but also a successful example of Enterprise Development.


 New generation entrepreneurs thrive in empowering environment



Ngubane, the owner of Ushanele Trading Enterprise, is motivated and inspirational. Ngubane joined Hulamin in 2000 and his last responsibility was Safety Co-ordinator. Hulamin funded his study towards a BTech degree through DUT while learning the intricacies of Hulamin’s extrusion and rolled product plants.


ED Model

By 2006 Ngubane’s entrepreneurial spirit was aflame, and he reached out towards the Business Support Centre to help him formulate business proposals as he was always on the lookout for opportunities. Hulamin, through its BEE Review committee, identified an ED opportunity for which Ngubane showed interest. As part of the process, Ngubane had to among other things provide a detailed proposal, motivating how he was going to make a success of the opportunity.

The BSC played an integral role in supporting Ngubane in preparing him for this opportunity. This included negotiating with prospective suppliers, funding mechanisms, opening credit Lines, assist with statutory compliance, and providing HR support and mentorship.

Over and above providing this ED opportunity, Hulamin furthermore supported Ngubane’s enterprise by offering shorter payment terms, providing him with a workstation on site, business advice and exposure.



Ngubane currently employees 24 full-time employees and Ushanele generates a turnover in excess of R1million per annum. All 24 staff members are from the local surrounding areas and are also bread winners.

Speaking to his success, Ngubane said empathy with his employees is critical.

“One has to show respect to earn respect, and that’s only possible by occupying the trenches with one’s people,” he said.



The BSC is assisting Ngubane with a growth plan to increase his corporate clientele in the future. The BSC continues to roll out Enterprise Development for Hulamin and other corporates.